SequencedWorkerPool is a worker thread pool that allow you to post unordered tasks, and it also can enforce ordering between sets of tasks. What’s more, It allows you to specify what should happen to your tasks on shutdown.
Ordered Tasks
To enforce ordering, get a unique sequence token from the pool and post all tasks you want to order with the token. All tasks with the same token are guaranteed to execute serially, though not necessarily on the same thread.
This means that:
- No two tasks with the same token will run at the same time.
- Given two tasks T1 and T2 with the same token such that T2 will run after T1, then T2 will start after T1 is destroyed.
- If T2 will run after T1, then all memory changes in T1 and T1’s destruction will be visible to T2.
SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken token = pool.GetSequenceToken();
pool.PostSequencedWorkerTask(token, SequencedWorkerPool::SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN,
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(...));
pool.PostSequencedWorkerTask(token, SequencedWorkerPool::SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN,
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(...));
- You can make named sequence tokens to make it easier to share a token across different components.
- You can also post tasks to the pool without ordering using PostWorkerTask. These will be executed in an unspecified order. The order of execution between tasks with different sequence tokens is also unspecified.
- This class may be leaked on shutdown to facilitate fast shutdown. The expected usage, however, is to call Shutdown(), which correctly accounts for CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN behavior and is required for BLOCK_SHUTDOWN behavior.
- When constructing a SequencedWorkerPool, there must be a MessageLoop on the current thread unless you plan to deliberately leak it.
Shotdown Behavior
enum WorkerShutdown {
Tasks posted with this mode which have not run at shutdown will be deleted rather than run, and any tasks with this mode running at shutdown will be ignored (the worker thread will not be joined). This option provides a nice way to post stuff you don’t want blocking shutdown. For example, you might be doing a slow DNS lookup and if it’s blocked on the OS, you may not want to stop shutdown, since the result doesn’t really matter at that point.
However, you need to be very careful what you do in your callback when you use this option. Since the thread will continue to run until the OS terminates the process, the app can be in the process of tearing down when you’re running. This means any singletons or global objects you use may suddenly become invalid out from under you. For this reason, it’s best to use this only for slow but simple operations like the DNS example.
Tasks posted with this mode that have not started executing at shutdown will be deleted rather than executed. However, any tasks that have already begun executing when shutdown is called will be allowed to continue, and will block shutdown until completion.
Note: Because Shutdown() may block while these tasks are executing, care must be taken to ensure that they do not block on the thread that called Shutdown(), as this may lead to deadlock.
Tasks posted with this mode will block shutdown until they’re executed. Since this can have significant performance implications, use sparingly.
Generally, this should be used only for user data, for example, a task writing a preference file.
If a task is posted during shutdown, it will not get run since the workers may already be stopped. In this case, the post operation will fail (return false) and the task will be deleted.
class SequencedWorkerPool
class BASE_EXPORT SequencedWorkerPool : public TaskRunner {
// Defines what should happen to a task posted to the worker pool on shutdown
enum WorkerShutdown {
// Identifier that defines sequencing of tasks posted to the worker pool
class SequenceToken {
SequenceToken() : id_(0) {}
~SequenceToken() {}
bool Equals(const SequenceToken& other) const {
return id_ == other.id_;
// Returns false if current thread is executing an unsequenced task.
bool IsValid() const {
return id_ != 0;
friend class SequencedWorkerPool;
explicit SequenceToken(int id) : id_(id) {}
int id_;
// Pass the maximum number of threads (they will be lazily created as needed)
// and a prefix for the thread name to aid in debugging.
SequencedWorkerPool(size_t max_threads,
const std::string& thread_name_prefix);
// Returns a unique token that can be used to sequence tasks posted to
// PostSequencedWorkerTask(). Valid tokens are always nonzero.
SequenceToken GetSequenceToken();
// Returns the sequence token associated with the given name. Calling this
// function multiple times with the same string will always produce the
// same sequence token. If the name has not been used before, a new token
// will be created.
SequenceToken GetNamedSequenceToken(const std::string& name);
// Returns a SequencedTaskRunner wrapper which posts to this
// SequencedWorkerPool using the given sequence token. Tasks with nonzero
// delay are posted with SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN behavior and tasks with zero delay
// are posted with BLOCK_SHUTDOWN behavior.
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> GetSequencedTaskRunner(SequenceToken token);
// Returns a SequencedTaskRunner wrapper which posts to this
// SequencedWorkerPool using the given sequence token. Tasks with nonzero
// delay are posted with SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN behavior and tasks with zero delay
// are posted with the given shutdown behavior.
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> GetSequencedTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior(
SequenceToken token,
WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior);
// Returns a TaskRunner wrapper which posts to this SequencedWorkerPool using
// the given shutdown behavior. Tasks with nonzero delay are posted with
// SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN behavior and tasks with zero delay are posted with the
// given shutdown behavior.
scoped_refptr<TaskRunner> GetTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior(
WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior);
// member functions of Post*Task methods
bool PostWorkerTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task);
bool PostDelayedWorkerTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task,
TimeDelta delay);
// Same as PostWorkerTask but allows specification of the shutdown behavior.
bool PostWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task,
WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior);
bool PostSequencedWorkerTask(SequenceToken sequence_token,
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task);
// Like PostSequencedWorkerTask above, but allows you to specify a named
// token, which saves an extra call to GetNamedSequenceToken.
bool PostNamedSequencedWorkerTask(const std::string& token_name,
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task);
bool PostDelayedSequencedWorkerTask(
SequenceToken sequence_token,
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task,
TimeDelta delay);
// Same as PostSequencedWorkerTask but allows shutdown behavior.
bool PostSequencedWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
SequenceToken sequence_token,
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task,
WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior);
// TaskRunner implementation. Forwards to PostDelayedWorkerTask().
virtual bool PostDelayedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task,
TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const OVERRIDE;
// Returns true if the current thread is processing a task with the given
// sequence_token.
bool IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(SequenceToken sequence_token) const;
// Must be called from the same thread this object was constructed on.
void Shutdown() { Shutdown(0); }
void Shutdown(int max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown);
// Check if Shutdown was called for given threading pool. This method is used
// for aborting time consuming operation to avoid blocking shutdown.
// Can be called from any thread.
bool IsShutdownInProgress();
// ...
virtual ~SequencedWorkerPool();
virtual void OnDestruct() const OVERRIDE;
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<SequencedWorkerPool>;
friend class DeleteHelper<SequencedWorkerPool>;
class Inner;
class Worker;
const scoped_refptr<MessageLoopProxy> constructor_message_loop_;
// Avoid pulling in too many headers by putting (almost) everything
// into |inner_|.
const scoped_ptr<Inner> inner_;
Part Methods Explain
bool PostWorkerTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task);
Posts the given task for execution in the worker pool. Tasks posted with this function will execute in an unspecified order on a background thread. Returns true if the task was posted. If your tasks have ordering requirements, see PostSequencedWorkerTask().
The task will be guaranteed to run to completion before shutdown (BLOCK_SHUTDOWN semantics).
Returns true if the task was posted successfully. This may fail during shutdown regardless of the specified ShutdownBehavior.
bool PostDelayedWorkerTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task,
TimeDelta delay);
Same as PostWorkerTask but allows a delay to be specified (although doing so changes the shutdown behavior). The task will be run after the given delay has elapsed.
If the delay is nonzero, the task won’t be guaranteed to run to completion before shutdown (SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN semantics) to avoid shutdown hangs. If the delay is zero, this behaves exactly like PostWorkerTask, i.e. the task will be guaranteed to run to completion before shutdown (BLOCK_SHUTDOWN semantics).
bool PostSequencedWorkerTask(SequenceToken sequence_token,
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task);
Like PostWorkerTask above, but provides sequencing semantics. This means that tasks posted with the same sequence token (see GetSequenceToken()) are guaranteed to execute in order. This is useful in cases where you’re doing operations that may depend on previous ones, like appending to a file.
The task will be guaranteed to run to completion before shutdown (BLOCK_SHUTDOWN semantics).
Returns true if the task was posted successfully. This may fail during shutdown regardless of the specified ShutdownBehavior.
bool PostDelayedSequencedWorkerTask(
SequenceToken sequence_token,
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const Closure& task,
TimeDelta delay);
Same as PostSequencedWorkerTask but allows a delay to be specified (although doing so changes the shutdown behavior). The task will be run after the given delay has elapsed.
If the delay is nonzero, the task won’t be guaranteed to run to completion before shutdown (SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN semantics) to avoid shutdown hangs. If the delay is zero, this behaves exactly like PostSequencedWorkerTask, i.e. the task will be guaranteed to run to completion before shutdown (BLOCK_SHUTDOWN semantics).
void Shutdown(int max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown);
Implements the worker pool shutdown. This should be called during app shutdown, and will discard/join with appropriate tasks before returning. After this call, subsequent calls to post tasks will fail.
Allows an arbitrary number of new blocking tasks to be posted during shutdown from within tasks that execute during shutdown. Only tasks designated as BLOCKING_SHUTDOWN will be allowed, and only if posted by tasks that are not designated as CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN. Once the limit is reached, subsequent calls to post task fail in all cases.
Must be called from the same thread this object was constructed on.
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
class ThreadPoolTest
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ThreadPoolTest> {
: worker_pool_( new base::SequencedWorkerPool(3, "test_worker_pool") )
~ThreadPoolTest() {
void work() {
base::Bind(&ThreadPoolTest::DoWork, this));
void ordered_tasks() {
base::SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken token =
worker_pool_->PostSequencedWorkerTask(token, FROM_HERE,
base::Bind(&ThreadPoolTest::DoTask1, this) );
worker_pool_->PostSequencedWorkerTask(token, FROM_HERE,
base::Bind(&ThreadPoolTest::DoTask2, this) );
void DoWork() {
// do work
void DoTask1() {
// do task1
void DoTask2() {
// do task2 after task1
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool> worker_pool_;
scoped_refptr<ThreadPoolTest> g_test;
void RunBaseTest() {
g_test = new ThreadPoolTest;