FileStream is a basic interface for reading and writing files synchronously or asynchronously with support for seeking to an offset. Generally speaking, we normally use asynchronous mode on a TYPE_IO
Thread, because it’s more effective. Note that even when used asynchronously, only one operation is supported at a time.
FileStream class declare
class NET_EXPORT FileStream {
// Creates a |FileStream| with a new |BoundNetLog| (based on |net_log|)
// attached. |net_log| may be NULL if no logging is needed.
// Uses |task_runner| for asynchronous operations.
FileStream(net::NetLog* net_log,
const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& task_runner);
// |flags| is a bitfield of base::PlatformFileFlags when the file handle was
// opened.
FileStream(base::PlatformFile file,
int flags,
net::NetLog* net_log,
const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& task_runner);
// The underlying file is closed automatically.
virtual ~FileStream();
// Call this method to open the FileStream asynchronously. The remaining
// methods cannot be used unless the file is opened successfully. Returns
// ERR_IO_PENDING if the operation is started. If the operation cannot be
// started then an error code is returned.
// Once the operation is done, |callback| will be run on the thread where
// Open() was called, with the result code. open_flags is a bitfield of
// base::PlatformFileFlags.
virtual int Open(const base::FilePath& path, int open_flags,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Returns ERR_IO_PENDING and closes the file asynchronously, calling
// |callback| when done.
virtual int Close(const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Closes the file immediately and returns OK. If the file is open
// asynchronously, Close(const CompletionCallback&) should be used instead.
virtual int CloseSync();
// Returns true if Open succeeded and Close has not been called.
virtual bool IsOpen() const;
// Adjust the position from where data is read asynchronously.
// Upon success, ERR_IO_PENDING is returned and |callback| will be run
// on the thread where Seek() was called with the the stream position
// relative to the start of the file. Otherwise, an error code is returned.
// It is invalid to request any asynchronous operations while there is an
// in-flight asynchronous operation.
virtual int Seek(Whence whence, int64 offset,
const Int64CompletionCallback& callback);
// Adjust the position from where data is read synchronously.
// Upon success, the stream position relative to the start of the file is
// returned. Otherwise, an error code is returned. It is not valid to
// call SeekSync while a Read call has a pending completion.
virtual int64 SeekSync(Whence whence, int64 offset);
// Returns the number of bytes available to read from the current stream
// position until the end of the file. Otherwise, an error code is returned.
virtual int64 Available();
// Call this method to read data from the current stream position
// asynchronously. Up to buf_len bytes will be copied into buf. (In
// other words, partial reads are allowed.) Returns the number of bytes
// copied, 0 if at end-of-file, or an error code if the operation could
// not be performed.
// The file must be opened with PLATFORM_FILE_ASYNC, and a non-null
// callback must be passed to this method. If the read could not
// complete synchronously, then ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, and the
// callback will be run on the thread where Read() was called, when the
// read has completed.
// It is valid to destroy or close the file stream while there is an
// asynchronous read in progress. That will cancel the read and allow
// the buffer to be freed.
// This method must not be called if the stream was opened WRITE_ONLY.
virtual int Read(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Call this method to write data at the current stream position
// asynchronously. Up to buf_len bytes will be written from buf. (In
// other words, partial writes are allowed.) Returns the number of
// bytes written, or an error code if the operation could not be
// performed.
// The file must be opened with PLATFORM_FILE_ASYNC, and a non-null
// callback must be passed to this method. If the write could not
// complete synchronously, then ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, and the
// callback will be run on the thread where Write() was called when
// the write has completed.
virtual int Write(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Call this method to open the FileStream synchronously.
// If the file stream is not closed manually, the underlying file will be
// automatically closed when FileStream is destructed.
virtual int OpenSync(const base::FilePath& path, int open_flags);
// Call this method to read data from the current stream position
// synchronously. Up to buf_len bytes will be copied into buf.
// Returns the number of bytes copied, 0 if at end-of-file,
// or an error code if the operation could not be performed.
virtual int ReadSync(char* buf, int buf_len);
// Performs the same as ReadSync, but ensures that exactly buf_len bytes
// are copied into buf. A partial read may occur, but only as a result of
// end-of-file or fatal error. Returns the number of bytes copied into buf,
// 0 if at end-of-file and no bytes have been read into buf yet,
// or an error code if the operation could not be performed.
virtual int ReadUntilComplete(char *buf, int buf_len);
// Call this method to write data at the current stream position
// synchronously. Up to buf_len bytes will be written from buf. (In
// other words, partial writes are allowed.) Returns the number of
// bytes written, or an error code if the operation could not be
// performed.
// The file must not be opened with PLATFORM_FILE_ASYNC.
// This method must not be called if the stream was opened READ_ONLY.
// Zero byte writes are not allowed.
virtual int WriteSync(const char* buf, int buf_len);
// Truncates the file to be |bytes| length. This is only valid for writable
// files. After truncation the file stream is positioned at |bytes|. The new
// position is returned, or a value < 0 on error.
// WARNING: one may not truncate a file beyond its current length on any
// platform with this call.
virtual int64 Truncate(int64 bytes);
// Forces out a filesystem sync on this file to make sure that the file was
// written out to disk and is not currently sitting in the buffer. This does
// not have to be called, it just forces one to happen at the time of
// calling.
// The file must be opened with PLATFORM_FILE_ASYNC, and a non-null
// callback must be passed to this method. If the write could not
// complete synchronously, then ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, and the
// callback will be run on the thread where Flush() was called when
// the write has completed.
// It is valid to destroy or close the file stream while there is an
// asynchronous flush in progress. That will cancel the flush and allow
// the buffer to be freed.
// It is invalid to request any asynchronous operations while there is an
// in-flight asynchronous operation.
// This method should not be called if the stream was opened READ_ONLY.
virtual int Flush(const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Forces out a filesystem sync on this file to make sure that the file was
// written out to disk and is not currently sitting in the buffer. This does
// not have to be called, it just forces one to happen at the time of
// calling.
// Returns an error code if the operation could not be performed.
// This method should not be called if the stream was opened READ_ONLY.
virtual int FlushSync();
// Turns on UMA error statistics gathering.
void EnableErrorStatistics();
// Sets the source reference for net-internals logging.
// Creates source dependency events between |owner_bound_net_log| and
// |bound_net_log_|. Each gets an event showing the dependency on the other.
// If only one of those is valid, it gets an event showing that a change
// of ownership happened, but without details.
void SetBoundNetLogSource(const net::BoundNetLog& owner_bound_net_log);
// Returns the underlying platform file for testing.
base::PlatformFile GetPlatformFileForTesting();
class Context;
bool is_async() const { return !!(open_flags_ & base::PLATFORM_FILE_ASYNC); }
int open_flags_;
net::BoundNetLog bound_net_log_;
// Context performing I/O operations. It was extracted into separate class
// to perform asynchronous operations because FileStream can be destroyed
// before completion of async operation. Also if async FileStream is destroyed
// without explicit closing file should be closed asynchronously without
// delaying FileStream's destructor. To perform all that separate object is
// necessary.
scoped_ptr<Context> context_;
The example below shows how to use FileStream’s APIs asynchronously, helper function ReadFileAsync
should be used on thread with type TYPE_IO.
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/task_runner.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "net/base/file_stream.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/load_flags.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
namespace internal {
// File basic info
struct FileBasicInfo
FileBasicInfo() : file_size(0), file_exists(false) {}
int file_size;
bool file_exists;
// file reader
class FileReader
FileReader( const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& file_task_runner )
: file_task_runner_(file_task_runner)
, stream_(new net::FileStream(NULL, file_task_runner))
, file_size_(0)
bool Read( std::wstring const& filePath,
base::Callback<void(int,std::string)> completeCallback )
if ( !base::MessageLoop::current() ||
base::MessageLoop::current()->type() != base::MessageLoop::TYPE_IO )
assert(false && "MUST called on base::Thread IO message_loop");
return false;
file_path_ = base::FilePath(filePath);
complete_callback_ = completeCallback;
FileBasicInfo* meta_info = new FileBasicInfo();
file_task_runner_->PostTaskAndReply( FROM_HERE,
base::Bind(&FileReader::FetchMetaInfo, file_path_,
base::Unretained(this), base::Owned(meta_info)) );
return true;
static void FetchMetaInfo(const base::FilePath& file_path,
FileBasicInfo* meta_info)
base::PlatformFileInfo platform_info;
meta_info->file_exists = file_util::GetFileInfo(file_path, &platform_info);
if (meta_info->file_exists)
meta_info->file_size = (int)platform_info.size;
void DidFetchMetaInfo(const FileBasicInfo* meta_info)
if (!meta_info->file_exists)
// file not exist
if ( meta_info->file_size == 0 )
// empty file
file_size_ = meta_info->file_size;
if ( !stream_ )
stream_.reset( new net::FileStream(NULL, file_task_runner_) );
int flags = base::PLATFORM_FILE_OPEN |
int rv = stream_->Open(base::FilePath(file_path_), flags,
base::Bind(&FileReader::DidOpen, base::Unretained(this)));
if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING)
void DidOpen(int result)
if (result != net::OK) {
// open failed
read_buffer_ = new net::IOBuffer(file_size_);
if (file_size_ > 0 )
{// seek to position 0
int rv = stream_->Seek(net::FROM_BEGIN, 0,
base::Bind(&FileReader::DidSeek, base::Unretained(this)));
if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
// seek failed
void DidSeek(int64 result)
if (result != 0)
// seek failed
int rv = stream_->Read(read_buffer_.get(), file_size_,
base::Bind(&FileReader::DidReadFileData, base::Unretained(this)));
if ( rv >= 0 ) {
// Data is immediately available.
void DidReadFileData(int result)
std::string data = std::string(read_buffer_->data(), file_size_);
complete_callback_.Run( net::OK, data );
void DidReadFileFailed(int result)
complete_callback_.Run(result, "");
const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> file_task_runner_;
scoped_ptr<net::FileStream> stream_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> read_buffer_;
base::FilePath file_path_;
int file_size_;
base::Callback<void(int,std::string)> complete_callback_;
// ReadFileAsyncHelper
class ReadFileAsyncHelper
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ReadFileAsyncHelper>
ReadFileAsyncHelper(const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& file_task_runner,
std::wstring const& filePath,
base::Callback<void(int,std::string)> completeCallback)
: file_reader_( new FileReader(file_task_runner) )
, complete_callback_(completeCallback)
, file_path_(filePath)
bool Start()
{// Reference of this is token by callback to FileReader,
// which is only released in callback
return file_reader_->Read(file_path_,
base::Bind(&ReadFileAsyncHelper::OnReadComplete, this));
void OnReadComplete( int status, std::string data )
complete_callback_.Run(status, data);
delete file_reader_;
file_reader_ = NULL;
FileReader * file_reader_;
std::wstring file_path_;
base::Callback<void(int,std::string)> complete_callback_;
}//namespace internal
// Read file async
// When the file is read, callback will be called on the call thread
inline bool ReadFileAsync(
const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& file_task_runner,
std::wstring const& filePath,
base::Callback<void(int,std::string)> completeCallback )
scoped_refptr<internal::ReadFileAsyncHelper> readHelper
= new internal::ReadFileAsyncHelper( file_task_runner,
filePath, completeCallback );
return readHelper->Start();