FLV(Flash Video)是现在非常流行的流媒体格式,由于其视频文件体积轻巧、封装播放简单等特点,使其很适合在网络上进行应用。目前流行的rtmp推流直播,格式都是flv,而且基于http-flv形式来拉流,直播的实时性也很高。
FLV是流媒体封装格式,我们可以将其数据看为二进制字节流。总体上看,FLV包括文件头(Flv Header)和文件体(Flv Body)两部分,其中文件体由一系列的Tag及Tag Size对组成。Tag又可以分成三类:audio,video,script,分别代表音频流,视频流,脚本流(关键字或者文件信息之类)。
FLV File Header
FLV Header 一共九个字节,含义如下:
第1-3字节为文件标识(Signature),总为“FLV”(0x46 0x4C 0x56),第4字节为版本,目前为1(0x01)。第5个字节的前5位保留必须为0,第6位表示是否存在音频Tag,第7位保留必须为0,第8位表示是否存在视频Tag。第6-9个字节为UI32类型的值,表示从File Header开始到File Body开始的字节数,版本1中总为9。
FLV Header Field | 描述 |
文件类型(3byte) | ‘F’ (0x46) ‘L’ (0x4C) ‘V’ (0x56) |
版本(1byte) | File Version(For example 0x01 for FLV version 1) |
流信息(1byte) | UB[7]~UB[3]、UB[2]=1 Audio,UB[1]总为0,UB[0] = 1 Video |
Header长度(4bytes) | 整个文件头的长度,一般是9(3+1+1+4),有时候后面还有些别的信息,就不是9了 |
FLV File Body
After the FLV Header,the remainder of an FLV file consists of alternating back-pointers and tags. They interleave as shown in the following table:
FLV File Body Field | 类型 | 描述 |
PreviousTagSize0 | UI32 | Always 0 |
Tag1 | FLVTAG | First tag |
PreviousTagSize1 | UI32 | Size of previous tag, including its header. For FLV version 1,this value is 11 plus the DataSize of the previous tag. |
Tag2 | FLVTAG | Second tag |
… | … | … |
PreviousTagSizeN-1 | UI32 | Size of second-to-last tag |
TagN | FLVTAG | Last tag |
PreviousTagSizeN | UI32 | Size of last tag |
FLV Tag Header
FLV TagHeader have the following format:
FLV TAG Field | 类型 | 描述 |
TagType | UI8 | Type of this tag. Values are:8:audio 9:video 18:script data |
DataSize | UI24 | Length of the data in the Data field |
Timestamp | UI24 | Time in milliseconds at which the data in the this tag applies. The valve is relative to the first tag in the FLV file, which always has a timestamp of 0. |
TimestampExtended | UI8 | Extension of Timestamp field to form a UI32 value. This field represents the upper 8 bits, while the previous Timestamp filed represents the lower 24 bits of the time in milliseconds. |
StreamID | UI24 | Always 0 |
FLV Tag Data
如果TagType是8, TagDate数据为音频;如果TagType是9, TagDate数据为视频;TagType是18, TagDate数据为SCRIPTDATAOBJECT.